FRONTMATTER -- PREFACE ------------------------------------------------------------------- 蟒之禅 美比丑好 直言不讳比心照不宣好 简单比困难好 困难总还比复杂好 平面的比嵌套的好 错落有致比密密匝匝的好 可读性很重要 虽然实用比纯粹更重要 但特殊情况不能特殊到打破规律 永远别让错误悄悄地溜走 除非是你故意的 碰到模棱两可的地方,绝对不要去作猜测 什么事情都应该有一个,而且最好只有一个显而易见的解决办法 虽然刚开始的时候,这个办法可能不是那么的显而易见,但谁叫你不是荷兰人 有些事情不理不睬可能会比过一会解决要好 但最好是现在就解决 如果一个想法实现起来很困难,那它本身就不是一个好想法 如果一个想法实现起来很容易,那它或许就是一个好想法 名字空间是个了不起的想法,所以我们现在就开始吧 --Tim Peters, "The Zen of Python" 译者:ZoomQuiet;Limodou;Shhgs SECTION 1 -- What is Text Processing? ------------------------------------------------------------------- At the broadest level text processing is simply taking textual information and -doing something- with it. This doing might be restructuring or reformatting it, extracting smaller bits of information from it, algorithmically modifying the content of the information, or performing calculations that depend on the textual information. The lines between "text" and the even more general term "data" are extremely fuzzy; at an approximation, "text" is just data that lives in forms that people can themselves read--at least in principle, and maybe with a bit of effort. Most typically computer "text" is composed of sequences of bits that have a "natural" representation as letters, , and symbols; most often such text is delimited (if delimited at all) by symbols and formatting that can be easily pronounced as "next datum." The lines are fuzzy, but the data that seems least like text--and that, therefore, this particular book is least concerned with--is the data that makes up "multimedia" (pictures, sounds, video, animation, etc.) and data that makes up UI "events" (draw a window, move the mouse, open an application, etc.). Like I said, the lines are fuzzy, and some representations of the most nontextual data are themselves pretty textual. But in general, the subject of this book is all the stuff on the near side of that fuzzy line. Text processing is arguably what most programmers spend most of their time doing. The information that lives in business software systems mostly comes down to collections of words about the application domain--maybe with a few special symbols mixed in. Internet communications protocols consist mostly of a few special words used as headers, a little bit of constrained formatting, and message bodies consisting of additional wordish texts. Configuration files, log files, CSV and fixed-length data files, error files, documentation, and source code itself are all just sequences of words with bits of constraint and formatting applied. Programmers and developers spend so much time with text processing that it is easy to forget that that is what we are doing. The most common text processing application is probably your favorite text editor. Beyond simple entry of new characters, text editors perform such text processing tasks as search/replace and copy/paste, which--given guided interaction with the user--accomplish sophisticated manipulation of textual sources. Many text editors go farther than these simple capabilities and include their own complete programming systems (usually called "macro processing"); in those cases where editors include "Turing-complete" macro languages, text editors suffice, in principle, to accomplish anything that the examples in this book can. After text editors, a variety of text processing tools are widely used by developers. Tools like "File Find" under Windows, or "grep" on Unix (and other platforms), perform the basic chore of -locating- text patterns. "Little languages" like sed and awk perform basic text manipulation (or even nonbasic). A large number of utilities--especially in Unix-like environments--perform small custom text processing tasks: 'wc', 'sort', 'tr', 'md5sum', 'uniq', 'split', 'strings', and many others. At the top of the text processing food chain are general-purpose programming languages, such as Python. I wrote this book on Python in large part because Python is such a clear, expressive, and general-purpose language. But for all Python's virtues, text editors and "little" utilities will always have an important place for developers "getting the job done." As simple as Python is, it is still more complicated than you need to achieve many basic tasks. But once you get past the very simple, Python is a perfect language for making the difficult things possible (and it is also good at making the easy things simple). SECTION 2 -- The Philosophy of Text Processing ------------------------------------------------------------------- Hang around any Python discussion groups for a little while, and you will certainly be dazzled by the contributions of the Python developer, Tim Peters (and by a number of other Pythonistas). His "Zen of Python" captures much of the reason that I choose Python as the language in which to solve most programming tasks that are presented to me. But to understand what is most special about -text processing- as a programming task, it is worth turning to Perl creator Larry Wall's cardinal virtues of programming: laziness, impatience, hubris. What sets text processing most clearly apart from other tasks computer programmers accomplish is the frequency with which we perform text processing on an ad hoc or "one-shot" basis. One rarely bothers to create a one-shot GUI interface for a program. You even less frequently perform a one-shot normalization of a relational database. But every programmer with a little experience has had numerous occasions where she has received a trickle of textual information (or maybe a deluge of it) from another department, from a client, from a developer working on a different project, or from data dumped out of a DBMS; the problem in such cases is always to "process" the text so that it is usable for your own project, program, database, or work unit. Text processing to the rescue. This is where the virtue of impatience first appears--we just want the stuff processed, right now! But text processing tasks that were obviously one-shot tasks that we knew we would never need again have a habit of coming back like restless ghosts. It turns out that that client needs to update the one-time data they sent last month. Or the boss decides that she would really like a feature of that text summarized in a slightly different way. The virtue of laziness is our friend here--with our foresight not to actually delete those one-shot scripts, we have them available for easy reuse and/or modification when the need arises. Enough is not enough, however. That script you reluctantly used a second time turns out to be quite similar to a more general task you will need to perform frequently, perhaps even automatically. You imagine that with only a slight amount of extra work you can generalize and expand the script, maybe add a little error checking and some runtime options while you are at it; and do it all in time and under budget (or even as a side project, off the budget). Obviously, this is the voice of that greatest of programmers' virtues: hubris. The goal of this book is to make its readers a little lazier, a smidgeon more impatient, and a whole bunch more hubristic. Python just happens to be the language best suited to the study of virtue. SECTION 3 -- What You'll Need to Use This Book ------------------------------------------------------------------- This book is ideally suited for programmers who are a little bit familiar with Python, and whose daily tasks involve a fair amount of text processing chores. Programmers who have some background in other programming languages--especially with other "scripting" languages--should be able to pick up enough Python to get going by reading Appendix A. While Python is a rather simple language at heart, this book is not intended as a tutorial on Python for nonprogrammers. Instead, this book is about two other things: getting the job done, pragmatically and efficiently; and understanding why what works works and what doesn't work doesn't work, theoretically and conceptually. As such, we hope this book can be useful both to working programmers and to students of programming at a level just past the introductory. Many sections of this book are accompanied by problems and exercises, and these in turn often pose questions for users. In most cases, the answers to the listed questions are somewhat open-ended--there are no simple right answers. I believe that working through the provided questions will help both self-directed and instructor-guided learners; the questions can typically be answered at several levels and often have an underlying subtlety. Instructors who wish to use this text are encouraged to contact the author for assistance in structuring a curriculum involving it. All readers are encouraged to consult the book's Web site to see possible answers provided by both the author and other readers; additional related questions will be added to the Web site over time, along with other resources. The Python language itself is conservative. Almost every Python script written ten years ago for Python 1.0 will run fine in Python 2.3+. However, as versions improve, a certain number of new features have been added. The most significant changes have matched the version number changes--Python 2.0 introduced list comprehensions, augmented assignments, Unicode support, and a standard XML package. Many scripts written in the most natural and efficient manner using Python 2.0+ will not run without changes in earlier versions of Python. The general target of this book will be users of Python 2.1+, but some 2.2+ specific features will be utilized in examples. Maybe half the examples in this book will run fine on Python 1.5.1+ (and slightly fewer on older versions), but examples will not necessarily indicate their requirement for Python 2.0+ (where it exists). On the other hand, new features introduced with Python 2.1 and above will only be utilized where they make a task significantly easier, or where the feature itself is being illustrated. In any case, examples requiring versions past Python 2.0 will usually indicate this explicitly. In the case of modules and packages--whether in the standard library or third-party--we will explicitly indicate what Python version is required and, where relevant, which version added the module or package to the standard library. In some cases, it will be possible to use later standard library modules with earlier Python versions. In important cases, this possibility will be noted. SECTION 4 -- Conventions Used in This Book ------------------------------------------------------------------- Several typographic conventions are used in main text to guide the readers eye. Both block and inline literals are presented in a fixed font, including names of utilities, URLs, variable names, and code samples. Names of objects in the standard library, however, are presented in italics. Names of modules and packages are printed in a sans serif typeface. Heading come in several different fonts, depending on their level and purpose. All constants, functions, and classes in discussions and cross-references will be explicitly prepended with their namespace (module). Methods will additionally be prepended with their class. In some cases, code examples will use the local namespace, but a preference for explicit namespace identification will be present in sample code also. For example, a reference might read: --> SEE ALSO, `email.Generator.DecodedGenerator.flatten()`, `raw_input()`, `tempfile.mktemp()` <-- The first is a class method in the [email.Generator] module; the second, a built-in function; the last, a function in the [tempfile] module. In the special case of built-in methods on types, the expression for an empty type object will be used in the style of a namespace modifier. For example: -->+ Methods of built-in types include `[].sort()`, `"".islower()`, `{}.keys()`, and `(lambda:1).func_code`. <-- The file object type will be indicated by the name 'FILE' in capitals; A reference to a file object method will appear as, for example: --> SEE ALSO, `FILE.flush()` <-- Brief inline illustrations of Python concepts and usage will be taken from the Python interactive shell. This approach allows readers to see the immediate evaluation of constructs, much as they might explore Python themselves. Moreover, examples presented in this manner will be self-sufficient (not requiring external data), and may be entered--with variations--by readers trying to get a grasp on a concept. For example: -->+ #*----- Shell sample -----# >>> 13/7 # integer division 1 >>> 13/7. # float division 1.8571428571428572 <-- In documentation of module functions, where named arguments are available, they are listed with their default value. Optional arguments are listed in square brackets. These conventions are also used in the _Python Library Reference_. For example: --> foobar.spam(s, val=23 [,taste="spicy"]) The function `foobar.spam()` uses the argument 's' to ... <-- If~a~named argument does not have a specifiable default value, the argument is listed followed by an equal sign and ellipsis. For example: --> foobar.baz(string=..., maxlen=...) The `foobar.baz()` function ... <-- With the introduction of Unicode support to Python, an equivalence between a character and a byte no longer holds in all cases. Where an operation takes a numeric argument affecting a string-like object, the documentation will specify whether characters or bytes are being counted. For example: -->+ Operation A reads 'num' bytes from the buffer. Operation B reads 'num' characters from the buffer. <-- The first operation indicates a number of actual 8-bit bytes affected. The second operation indicates an indefinite number of bytes are affected, but that they compose a number of (maybe multibyte) characters. SECTION 5 -- A Word on Source Code Examples ------------------------------------------------------------------- First things first. All the source code in this book is hereby released to the public domain. You can use it however you like, without restriction. You can include it in free software, or in commercial/proprietary projects. Change it to your heart's content, and in any manner you want. If you feel like giving credit to the author (or sending him large checks) for code you find useful, that is fine--but no obligation to do so exists. All the source code in this book, and various other public domain examples, can be found at the book's Web site. If such an electronic form is more convenient for you, we hope this helps you. In fact, if you are able, you might benefit from visiting this location, where you might find updated versions of examples or other useful utilities not mentioned in the book. First things out of the way, let us turn to second things. Little of the source code in this book is intended as a final say on how to perform a given task. Many of the examples are easy enough to copy directly into your own program, or to use as stand-alone utilities. But the real goal in presenting the examples is educational. We really hope you will -think- about what the examples do, and why they do it the way they do. In fact, we hope readers will think of better, faster, and more general ways of performing the same tasks. If the examples work their best, they should be better as inspirations than as instructions. SECTION 6 -- External Resources ------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPIC -- General Resources -------------------------------------------------------------------- A good clearinghouse for resources and links related to this book is the book's Web site. Over time, I will add errata and additional examples, questions, answers, utilities, and so on to the site, so check it from time to time: The first place you should probably turn for -any- question on Python programming (after this book), is: The Python newsgroup '' is an amazingly useful resource, with discussion that is generally both friendly and erudite. You may also post to and follow the newsgroup via a mirrored mailing list: TOPIC -- Books -------------------------------------------------------------------- This book generally aims at an intermediate reader. Other Python books are better introductory texts (especially for those fairly new to programming generally). Some good introductory texts are: _Core Python Programming_, Wesley J. Chun, Prentice Hall, 2001. ISBN: 0-130-26036-3. _Learning Python_, Mark Lutz & David Ascher, O'Reilly, 1999. ISBN: 1-56592-464-9. _The Quick Python Book_, Daryl Harms & Kenneth McDonald, Manning, 2000. ISBN: 1-884777-74-0. As introductions, I would generally recommend these books in the order listed, but learning styles vary between readers. Two texts that overlap this book somewhat, but focus more narrowly on referencing the standard library are: _Python Essential Reference, Second Edition_, David M. Beazley, New Riders, 2001. ISBN: 0-7357-1091-0. _Python Standard Library_, Fredrik Lundh, O'Reilly, 2001. ISBN: 0-596-00096-0. For coverage of XML, at a far more detailed level than this book has room for, is the excellent text: _Python & XML_, Christopher A. Jones & Fred L. Drake, Jr., O'Reilly, 2002. ISBN: 0-596-00128-2. TOPIC -- Software Directories -------------------------------------------------------------------- Currently, the best Python-specific directory for software is the Vaults of Parnassus: SourceForge is a general open source software resource. Many projects--Python and otherwise--are hosted at that site, and the site provides search capabilities, keywords, category browsing, and the like: Freshmeat is another widely used directory of software projects (mostly open source). Like the Vaults of Parnassus, Freshmeat does not directly host project files, but simply acts as an information clearinghouse for finding relevant projects: TOPIC -- Specific Software -------------------------------------------------------------------- A number of Python projects are discussed in this book. Most of those are listed in one or more of the software directories mentioned above. A general search engine like Google, , is also useful in locating project home pages. Below are a number of project URLs that are current at the time of this writing. If any of these fall out of date by the time you read this book, try searching in a search engine or software directory for an updated URL. The author's -Gnosis Utilities- contains a number of Python packages mentioned in this book, including [gnosis.indexer], [gnosis.xml.indexer], [gnosis.xml.pickle], and others. You can download the most current version from: provides a number of useful Python extensions, some of which are documented in this book. These include [mx.TextTools], [mx.DateTime], severeral new datatypes, and other facilities: [SimpleParse] is hosted by SourceForge, at: The [PLY] parsers has a home page at: