

下面两个例子是从 Teach Yourself Scheme in Fixnum Days 抄来的例子。实际上我就是从 这本书里得知的 amb。

这个程序解决了对欧洲地图的 4-着色。不是证明四色定理哈!

用 amb 为每个国家选一个颜色,然后根据邻接矩阵判断是否有颜色 冲突。就是这么简单。

(define choose-color
  (lambda ()
    (amb 'red 'yellow 'blue 'white)))

(define color-europe
  (lambda ()

    ;choose colors for each country
    (let ((p (choose-color)) ;Portugal
          (e (choose-color)) ;Spain
          (f (choose-color)) ;France
          (b (choose-color)) ;Belgium
          (h (choose-color)) ;Holland
          (g (choose-color)) ;Germany
          (l (choose-color)) ;Luxemb
          (i (choose-color)) ;Italy
          (s (choose-color)) ;Switz
          (a (choose-color)) ;Austria

      ;construct the adjacency list for
      ;each country: the 1st element is
      ;the name of the country; the 2nd
      ;element is its color; the 3rd
      ;element is the list of its
      ;neighbors' colors
      (let ((portugal
             (list 'portugal p
                   (list e)))
             (list 'spain e
                   (list f p)))
             (list 'france f
                   (list e i s b g l)))
             (list 'belgium b
                   (list f h l g)))
             (list 'holland h
                   (list b g)))
             (list 'germany g
                   (list f a s h b l)))
             (list 'luxembourg l
                   (list f b g)))
             (list 'italy i
                   (list f a s)))
             (list 'switzerland s
                   (list f i a g)))
             (list 'austria a
                   (list i s g))))
        (let ((countries
               (list portugal spain
                     france belgium
                     holland germany
                     italy switzerland

          ;the color of a country
          ;should not be the color of
          ;any of its neighbors
           (lambda (c)
              (not (memq (cadr c)
                         (caddr c)))))

          ;output the color
           (lambda (c)
             (display (car c))
             (display " ")
             (display (cadr c))


得到第一个结果需要一些时间,以后每次按以下 (amb) 就显示另一 个结果。如果你喜欢,可以把这些代码改一改然后用 bag-of 得到所 有结果。嗯……大概有 2592 个吧…… 不过要有耐心哦!建议用 scsh 来运行这个程序。